Do you know what your purpose is?
You are here for a reason. You are here to serve the world with your unique gifts and talents. You’re here to do work that only you can do, and in a way that only you can do it.
But do you know what that work is?
Why are you here?
What is your calling?
Many people in the spiritual community fret over this. They worry they aren’t on track. They feel they need to discover their purpose before life can feel meaningful.
Many people have big dreams of doing big things but feel small and insignificant in their daily lives. They believe that one day when they find that special thing, hidden passion, or meaningful pursuit, everything will fall into place.
The sad part is that this type of thinking will often keep you from ever finding your purpose. Days of dissatisfaction turn into years of wasted time, and life slips away before your eyes.
It’s an illusion to believe you'll be happy and content when you finally find what you’re looking for. Your joy and passion are postponed for an imagined fantasy in the future. If you want to feel powerful, on purpose, and content - the only way to experience it is right here, right now.
The past is gone, the future is a fantasy. There is only the present. In this very moment, you have access to the life you are destined to live. You don’t have to find it; it’s not coming to you someday; you are living it—now.
So stop, look around, and see what needs to be done.
What important work is asking, begging for you to do it? It doesn’t have to be a grandiose vision of service; sometimes, taking out the trash is the most important work in the world.
What is calling you right now?
It could be reading a book to your child and giving them your undivided attention.
It could be building the garden boxes your partner has wanted for weeks.
It could be shopping for groceries that will feed your family.
It could be dusting off that old guitar and strumming your favorite tune.
It could be asking your elderly neighbor if they need help walking their dog.
There is always something we can do to be of service to the world. Instead of sitting around running the same old depressing script of why you are not doing your purpose work, just do something that needs doing.
You’ll be instantly liberated from your questioning and launched into a world of satisfaction through the alchemy of action.
If you ever find your purpose and do work that is meaningful to you, it will always happen in the now.
Practice this and watch your life unfold before your eyes. Your work today will begin as a tiny seed planted in the soil of possibility. Who knows what beautiful trees will bloom as you water and nurture the gardens of your life?
Opportunities will present themselves, visions will manifest, people will arrive, and the world will open in ways you never imagined. You will discover that your purpose was there all along, hidden by the mental noise that is the landscape of the mind.
You are here for a reason. Your life was no accident.
It’s time to discover that your true purpose is already here, waiting for you, in the timeless now.
Enjoy the ride.
-Chris King
8:27am Sept 16, 2024
Chimney Rock / Sedona, Arizona